An estimating expenditure tool which helps facility managers and surveyors find maintenance and operating costs. It includes component costs, maintenance costs, wages and day rates
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LoginPublished: 15/03/2020
BCIS provides Life Cycle Cost benchmark data for buildings that can be used in conjunction with the second edition of the International Construction Measurement Standards (ICMS 2).
In ICMS 1, capital construction costs, associated capital costs, and site acquisition and client’s other costs combine to form a total capital cost. In ICMS 2, these costs are viewed from a whole-life costs (WLC) perspective. Acquisition costs (AC) appear under the non-construction costs bracket. The life-cycle costs (LCC) are:
The Life Cycle Cost section of the BCIS Building Running Costs online service provides benchmark costs for most building types covering:
ICMS 2 is a response to industry feedback from ICMS 1 and resulted in the formation of a second independent standards-setting committee (SSC) which included experts in life-cycle costing. Both editions of the international standards have adhered to a transparent, detailed and inclusive development process, and around 300 comments were received and reviewed during the consultation period for ICMS 2.
Life-cycle costs play a key role in the financial management of construction projects. They allow critical decisions to be made relating to longer-term and capital costs that ultimately affect asset performance, longevity, disaster resilience and sustainability. ICMS 2 is a high-level cost model for recording the life-cycle costs of a project and the constructed asset.
The BCIS Life Cycle Cost section provides benchmarks by building type that can be adjusted for:
Results can be calculated for:
Results can be calculated at:
The example in table 1 shows that over 30 years the cost in use amount to nearly the same as the capital costs.
Primary School, 1500m2, 30 year study, Life cycle costs at current cash (0%interest)
Costs at 4Q2018 and UK mean location
Source: BCIS
An estimating expenditure tool which helps facility managers and surveyors find maintenance and operating costs. It includes component costs, maintenance costs, wages and day rates